Everbearing varieties, repeating fruiting:

Strawberry varieties that bear fruit several times during the year, thanks to which they allow to collect fruits for a very long period, starting even from the end of May, through summer, until late autumn and its first frosts (which in Europe usually appear in November). They enable fruits to be obtained and sold outside the traditional strawberry harvesting period. 

In our nursery, we produce three complementary, excellent reapiting fruiting varieties. The first is San Andreas, one of the best all-year varieties in the world. It is reach in extremely shapely, large, very firm and tasty fruits. This strawberry is perfect for growing in the ground and under covers, as well is one of the best varieties for controlled cultivation. The second is Selva. It is a well-tried, cultivated for many years dessert variety. Characteristic for Selva is high resistance and large, attractive and firm fruits.

Varieties with repeatably fruiting abilities are also the best for hanging and climbing cultivation. This is due to the exceptionally numerous and long fruits-bearing shoots on which strawberries are fruiting (unlike other varieties, which have shorter, less numerous shoots without fruits on them). To get the climbing-type strawberries, it is enough to woven runners into a pergola, grill, etc. (Note: unlike grapes, strawberries are unable to climb naturally, because they are lacking their own catching tendrils). To form hanging strawberries plant them in a pot and over time, let the runners growing and hanging freely. On request, we provide a cultivation guide in pots (in Polish).

*The fruiting time involves traditional cultivation in Poland (Central Europe, moist continental climate) with standard weather conditions. The exact time of strawberries fruiting depends on the local environment, weather conditions in a given season as well as cultivation methods.