Fresh strawberry plants characteristic:

Strawberry plants traditionally dug in autumn until frosts and in spring from the beginning of vegetation (most often until the April and May), directly before delivery to customers. 

One of the most important characteristics of strawberry plants is crown diameter, which has a direct impact on their vigour and harvesting quality. Properly developed Fresh plants, as it is in our Nursery, has a crown diameter from 7 to above 25 mm, mainly 10 to 20 mm.


Dwa pęczki Sadzonek Zielonych, Świeżo kopanych

In our Nursery, Fresh plants are dug in soil (mother plantation) directly or shortly before handing them over to our customers. Only properly developed plants are selected and grouped into bunches (25 pieces each). Then they are prepared for planting by applying appropriate measures. 

After collecting, strawberries should be planted within 1-2 days. If this is not possible, the plants can be stored for a few days, provided they are protected against drying and overheating. If they have to be stored up to 7 days, it is best to keep them at a temperature of 2-3 to 5 degrees. Until planting, the temperature, wetness and general condition of the seedlings should be controlled. Soil for strawberry planting should be moist (wet) and properly prepared (more about soil preparation You can find here - text in Polish).

All our strawberry varieties, if not previously ordered, are available as Fresh plants: