
One of the best very early varieties. Fruiting at the very beginning of the season, before other varieties. It is reach in large, tasty, shapely and firm fruits. Frost and diseases resistance.
Fruiting time: Very early variety. Usually fruits from the end of May to the third decade (3rd week) of June, 2-3 days before Honeoye or Clery*.
Size and shape of fruits: large and very large (62% fruits exceed 35 mm on average). Uniformly bright red skin with a strong gloss. Uniform shape, conical and heart-shaped fruits. Around 90% of fruits are in class I, very few fruits in class II.
Taste and firmness: juicy and very firm pulp. Vibrant has a very sweet taste, Brix level: 8% (percentage of sugar in fruit, on average not more than 7%).
Productivity: high. The average harvest from one plant exceeds 1 kg of strawberries (usually more than 40 tonnes from 1 ha depending on the cultivation method).
Plant type: erected, with medium-strong growth. Fruits well exposed on long shoots, thanks to which pollination, as well as a collection, is comfortable.
Resistance: Very resistant to frost and diseases, including common leaf spot (mycosphaerella fragariae) and leaf scorch disease (diplocarpon earlianum), powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca macularis), phytophthora crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum) and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea). Moderately susceptible to Verticillium wilt.
Purpose: great for dessert and processing purposes. Durable in the trade, does not darken during storage.
Cultivation type: good in all cultivation types. One of the best varieties for accelerated cultivation (using agro-textiles or tunnels) or controlled-environment cultivation. For professional cultivation as well as in gardens and plots.
*The fruiting time involves traditional cultivation in Poland (Central Europe, moist continental climate) with standard weather conditions. The exact time of strawberries fruiting depends on the local environment, weather conditions in a given season as well as cultivation methods.
*The Vibrant Variety with no. EU PVR EU 37422 is protected by an exclusive variety right. No further resale or reproduction (including for the own needs) is allowed under the penalty of liability for damages towards the owner of the variety - NIAB EMR. The seedlings can be used only for the production of fruit.