I have been buying plants for several years, and it was a very good choice. It deals with the amateur cultivation of various plants, and good plants are the base of high yields and no problems with phytopathogens.
Over many years, I have never used plant protection products for your products. I have only to prepare the soil with the manure, use agro textile, plant your plants, prefer Frigo type, because they always take on, and it is enough. The only thing is left, is systematic irrigation, fruit harvesting, and removal of unnecessary leaves at the end of the season. Personally, I prefer to buy a well-grown and chemically prepared seedling, because I do not have space on the plot to prepare my own seed, even though I am capable of doing by myself. A large selection of plants with different periods of maturation allows for the extension of the harvesting season, and that is what the allotments want - to enjoy the effects of their work as long as possible and to be able to share them with their loved ones.
Writing “I recommend it” is probably a bit trivial, but it captures the essence nevertheless. Good shopping equals good harvests. Service is very good too. Strawberry plants arrive on time and are well packaged. The only thing that is missing this year is spring, honestly.