Varieties with a medium fruiting time (mid-early and mid-late):
A group of fruiting varieties usually from the beginning (first half) of June to the beginning of July*. They allow obtaining very good harvests in a period when climatic conditions (i.e. warm days and nights) in Poland are the most favourable.
Our range of varieties with medium ripening time is very wide. Among them, new and proven varieties, rich in attractive and very tasty fruits, perfect for both processing and dessert purposes; with Polish and foreign origins (all plants we cultivate in Poland, on our farm). Medium-early varieties, which in Poland bear fruit generally from the beginning to the end of June*, are Elkat, Elsanta and Markat. Medium-late varieties, which in Poland bear fruit normally from mid-June to mid-July*, are Pegasus, Polka and Senga Sengana.
These varieties* are not exposed to freezing, because they typically bloom after spring frosts.
*The fruiting time involves traditional cultivation in Poland (Central Europe, moist continental climate) with standard weather conditions. The exact time of strawberries fruiting depends on the local environment, weather conditions in a given season as well as cultivation methods.